LeRocher Bookstore & Gift Shop
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Hours of operation:
Our hours of operation rely only on volunteers who can run the store. This means that the following hours are as much a hope and goal, as a schedule. Learn more about being a volunteer and joining this wonderful team!
9:30am – 3:45pm*
* If we have a volunteer to staff it!

Something for everyone!
The LeRocher (” The Rock”) Bookstore and Gift Shop was opened in 2003 and is a major driver of funds generated for the Foundation. We are volunteer staffed and run, so 100% of the proceeds of sales are returned to the park for projects and programs.
The bookstore sells a large variety of books supporting the Foundations three pillars of Education, Conservation, and Recreation. From bird and animal ID books to Camping, Hiking, and Road Tripping. If your jam is Geology, we have you covered from “Geology is a Piece of Cake” (with recipes!) to the Geology of Illinois tome from D. R. Kolata and C. K. Nimz, and Geology of Illinois State Parks by Max Reams. We also have books on the survey of Illinois’ Ice Age Legacy and Water Tables.
The Foundation funds information and educational programs so that they are free to the public. We also fund park projects that are beyond the scope of state funding for the park. This includes things like the recent upgrade and overhaul of the Kaskaskia AV room. The ceiling speakers and presentation screen were replaced to enhance the viewer experience. The control panel was replaced to allow the desk volunteers to more easily run and monitor the films being shown. We will soon have hearing assist technology (loops) and closed captioning available on the films shown, with new films coming of Fall Colors, and Ice Climbers (experience the
What you will find at the bookstore:
Get your 2024 Starved Rock and Matthiessen Calendar at the store or order it online for shipping from the Starved Rock Hikers website (https://www.starvedrockhikers.com/product-page/2024-calendar) The 2023 calendar sold out. Don’t miss yours this year!!
Nature books for all age levels
Books on local history and geology
Park and locally relevant research books
Unique Starved Rock magnets, stickers, patches, and walking stick medallions
Postcards, note cards, and photos (all local photographers and printing)
Posters and puzzles
Games, coloring books, and activity books (including pencils, crayons, and markers).
High-quality Vortex binoculars (8.5×32 Raptor, 8×42 Diamondback, lightweight 6.5x32 Bantam, and children’s 8×21 high quality binoculars)
Bird clocks, small and large
Various topographic maps
Aluminum sipper straw water bottles
Autographed books by local authors
A “Deals” table with a large assortment of books at 50-80% off of list price – from board books for toddlers, to educational story books for young children, and nature-related novels for tweens and teens, to informational books for adults – we have it all!