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Tonti Canyon is closed until further notice due to hazardous trail conditions. Signs are posted and violators who disregard signs will be fined. Please check back for updates.
Distance from Visitor Center:
2 miles one way
Parking is available at the Parkman’s Plain/LaSalle Canyon parking lot off of State Route 71. 1 mile hike from parking lot.
Two waterfalls can be seen during the spring snow melt or after a heavy rainfall.
Top View:
Interior Canyon View:
Yes (trail is closed)

Flora and Fauna:
Rough-winged Swallows can be seen flitting about between sandstone walls. Gray Squirrels, raccoons, White-tailed Deer, and several species of birds including woodpeckers such as the Red-bellied, Red-headed, Downy, and Pileated can be seen amongst the canyon woodlands.
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